Our Vision

Peter, Colin & Paul have over 50 years of combined business experience in the hearing care sector.

The TAC vision is based upon the belief that many people in the UK are forced to make a compromise when they visit hearing aid providers in the hearing care sector. That compromise could be a long waiting list or experiencing a service from a provider who does not value hearing care as its core business.

We believe in providing affordable excellence to everyone, by delivering consistent, high quality hearing healthcare without the need to wait. We work hard to protect the vision, values and the long-term futures of independent, often family-owned businesses that can find it difficult to compete and grow in the shadow of the larger hearing care providers.

Many independent businesses are unsure of how or when to begin planning their exit - TAC Holding can now offer them a solution. That is why so many businesses have already joined the TAC family.

Please contact us if you would like to talk in confidence about the next stage of your journey.

Large TAC Holding Office External
TAC Holding Head Office in the heart of Edinburgh's West End.

Who are we?

TAC Holding Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell

Group Managing Director

Colin qualified as an Audiologist in 1996 working with Scrivens Hearing Centres in the West Midlands.

In 2007 he joined Specsavers as a retail consultant to oversee their planned expansion into the hearing care market.

Over the next 11 years Colin held several senior roles within the Specsavers group taking a seat on the UK board as Director of NHS services for both optical and audiology provision

Colin was a founder Director member of the National Community Hearing Association (NCHA), and remains as Chairperson for NCHA Scotland. This role includes overseeing all areas of engagement with Scottish Government and NHS Scotland with regard to future health policy for Audiology and clinical ear care.

Colin is a past Board member of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA) as well as a past trustee of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID).


TAC Holding Peter Sydserff

Peter Sydserff

Group Clinical Director

Peter qualified in 1995 and has been an active Registered Hearing Aid Dispenser ever since.

After working for Scrivens in Scotland he spent many years working in independent Audiology services across Central Scotland.

In 2003 Peter became National Sales Manager for Bernafon UK & Ireland, tasked with rebuilding the brand after relocating production from the South East of England to Hamilton in Scotland.

After 4 years he became the Product Director at Hidden Hearing, then the second largest independent provider of hearing aids in the UK.

Around this time Peter was elected to the board of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists – and was subsequently elected President of the Society in 2015.

Peters final role with Demant was a secondment to the Group Services network based in Copenhagen, leading on supply chain transformation into the UK & Ireland for Hidden Hearing.

In 2019 Peter joined the TAC Board.


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Paul Brearley

Group Finance Director

As Group Finance Director Paul manages the Group’s Financial and Legal affairs, including system implementation and the acquisition process.

Paul trained with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Manchester, qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in 2003.

After moving into industry in 2005 Paul held a number of senior Finance roles in retail organisations including Pets at Home and Findel Plc before joining the Specsavers Board in 2012.

Paul subsequently led a number of projects including the implementation of the ‘Any Qualified Provider’ programme, following the UK Governments 2012 legislation allowing patients to choose from a range of approved healthcare providers for certain services, rather than being restricted to using only services provided by the NHS.


Who is TAC Holding Ltd?

Contact us in confidence

We understand that looking for an exit strategy from a business that you've built over years can be an emotional time. Please feel free to contact us in confidence for a chat or with any questions you may have.

TAC Holding comply with GDPR guidelines. If you'd like more information please email peter@tacholdingltd.co.uk